10 Horror Victims Who Got EXACTLY What They Deserved

2. Captain Rhodes - Day Of The Dead

Day Of The Dead
Dead Films Inc.

In George A. Romero's zombie threequel, a group of scientists and militants hide from the zombies in an underground bunker, under the thumb of the tyrannical Captain Rhodes. 

Now, there are few villains in horror that encapsulate the term "absolute bastard" better than this self-appointed leader. Though the survivors devise practical solutions to fight off the undead, the deranged captain repeatedly dismisses their ideas and progress. When Dr. Logan showcases a docile zombie called Bub, proving they can be domesticated, Rhodes has the scientist executed. And although he seems to care about his soldiers, Rhodes leaves them to die when the flesh-eating creatures break in.

But since karma is a bitch, Rhodes suffers one of the goriest and most excruciating deaths in cinema.

After being shot by Bub, Rhodes drags himself down a corridor, hoping to escape. As he opens a door, he sees the exit is blocked by a horde of hungry zombies. Turning to flee, Bub blasts Rhodes again, plunging him into the revenants' arms. Before he has a chance to break free, the ghouls tear him in half and devour his insides. All Rhodes can do is scream "Choke on 'em!" before succumbing to his wounds.

Bravo, Bub. Bravo.

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