10 Horror Victims Who Got EXACTLY What They Deserved

9. Addison - Saw II

Day Of The Dead
Lionsgate Films

Most of the victims in the Saw franchise suffered a very fitting end. After all, the reason why they were chosen for Jigsaw's little tests was often because they were a piece of crap to begin with.

However, Addison from Saw II deserves special mention, since she bent over backwards to get herself killed. Poisoned by a toxic nerve gas, Addison scours the area for the antidote which Jigsaw has hidden away, eventually discovering a syringe filled with that antidote inside a glass container.

As she places her hand through the container's bottom, she realises the opening is bladed, which will slit her wrist if she pulls her arm out. Not only that, she spills the antidote while trying to grab it, rendering it useless.

Just to prove she hasn't learnt anything, Addison then places her other hand in the box! But why? The antidote is gone. And now, she has no chance of freeing herself. 

Now, you could argue Addison was going to die anyway once the poison ravaged her body. But if Addison looked at the Razor Box longer than two seconds, she would've seen there was a lock on the back with the key already inside.

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