10 Horror Victims Who Got EXACTLY What They Deserved

8. Helen - I Know What You Did Last Summer

Day Of The Dead
Columbia Pictures

Slashers are often filled with one-dimensional nobodies, who are just there to rack up the kill count. More often than not, these characters only have themselves to blame when they meet their maker.

Which brings us to Helen from I Know What You Did Last Summer. At first, she proves to be surprisingly resourceful when confronted with the hooked maniac, The Fisherman. After being led to a dead end, Helen evades the killer by stepping on a manual elevator and winching herself to the next floor. When The Fisherman corners her again, Helen leaps out of the window to the street below. Noticing a parade in the distance, Helen runs towards it, believing she'll find safety in numbers. 

Just as she's about to reach the parade, Helen stops dead in her tracks and turns around to doublecheck if The Fisherman is still chasing her. After turning back, the cloaked psychopath appears and guts her like a fish.

Even if Helen suspected The Fisherman was right behind her, why did she stop running? What did that accomplish apart from giving him enough time to catch up with her?

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