10 Horror Victims Who Got EXACTLY What They Deserved

3. Louis Creed - Pet Sematary

Day Of The Dead

Even when a person is pure of heart, it's hard to root for them when they fail to learn from their many, many mistakes.

Unfortunately, the lead in Pet Sematary, Louis Creed, fits that bill to a tee. Moving to the countryside with his family, the Creeds are met with tragedy when their tomcat is killed. Speaking to his neighbour, Louis discovers their home is near a mystical graveyard that can resurrect the dead.

Though the cat is revived after being buried in the cemetery, he behaves like a mindless monster, lashing out and attacking anyone nearby.

Things only get worse for Louis when his toddler, Gage, is run over by a truck. Overwhelmed by grief, Louis buries Gage in the cursed graveyard, causing him to be reborn as a murderous ghoul. After Gage slaughters his own mother, Louis has no choice but to put him down for good.

Now, Louise should've known what he was getting himself into by reviving Gage, after seeing what happened to the cat. In his defence, Louise was too grief-stricken to be thinking straight, so it's understandable why he acted the way he did, as unreasonable as it may have been.

Having said that, Louise's next course of action is flat-out idiotic. Unable to cope with the death of his wife, Louise buries her in the demonic cemetery, naively believing it "will work this time". 

It goes without saying that Louis' reunion with his beloved goes as badly as you'd expect.

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