10 Huge Implications Of The Jungle Book's Box Office Success

7. Jon Favreau's Stock Goes Way Up

John Favreau Iron Man 3
Marvel Studios

Disney must love Jon Favreau right now, and rightly so: he did the seemingly impossible when he crafted a remake of a beloved classic that not only ended up with an amazing critical reception, but fans of the original embraced wholly-heartedly.

Due to the success of the movie, there's no doubt that Favreau - who just two years ago was subtly "venting" his anger at the studio system by way of his romantic comedy movie Chef - is now considered to be one of Hollywood's biggest directors.

Given that he also helmed Iron Man and Iron Man 2 to great box office success, and that Disney now own Marvel, this guy really must be in the studio's good books. If he manages to make The Jungle Book 2 even half as memorable as the first flick, then you're looking at a potential Disney Legend.

Don't be half surprised if Favreau winds up behind the camera for some of the biggest movies in future years, but also if Disney - as a reward for The Jungle Book - offer him financing for any number of his passion projects.


Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.