10 HUGE MCU Phase Four Fan Theories That Could Come True

6. Shang-Chi Has Already Introduced Earth-616's Illuminati

Silver Surfer Chukwudi Iwuji Peacemaker
Marvel Studios

One of the biggest and best aspects of the arguably underwhelming Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness was of course the big screen debut of the Illuminati. The team usually comprised in the comics of the smartest heroes on the planet was ultimately wiped out by Wanda within moments, but they still made a huge impression.

This didn’t just stop with these particular characters themselves, the excitement stretches to the seemingly inevitable introduction of Earth-616’s Illuminati. While fans patiently await such a moment, one theory suggests that it has already happened, and that Reed Richards and Professor X are, of course, nowhere to be seen.

Earth-838’s team consisted of, among others, the smartest man on Earth, a super-powered pilot, the First Avenger, and the Sorcerer Supreme. Translating this to Earth-616, with Tony Stark dead and Reed Richards not yet introduced, the group would be Bruce Banner, Carol Danvers, Sam Wilson (after taking Steve Rogers’ Captain America mantle), and Wong.

There would be more to the Illuminati than just these characters, but Phase Four has already seen a conversation happen between the three of them. The Shang-Chi post-credit scene saw the titular character discuss the Ten Rings with Wong, Bruce Banner, and Captain Marvel, and while it was easy to assume this is what was left of the Avengers, could it be that Shang-Chi and Katy actually had an audience with the Illuminati instead?


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.