10 Huge Movie Deaths That Totally Fell Flat

9. James T. Kirk - Star Trek Generations

Dark Phoenix Mystique death

Captain James T. Kirk (William Shatner) is one of the most iconic characters in all of pop-culture, and while the idea of killing him off in a Star Trek movie certainly wasn't sacrilegious, the filmmakers absolutely needed to make it count. And oh boy, they sure whiffed that alright.

Star Trek Generations was marketed as a Trekkie's dream movie - a crossover event which, through dimensional hooey not worth worrying about, teamed Captain Kirk up with The Next Generation's Captain Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart).

This ends up being just a small sliver of the movie, though, and culminates with Kirk's demise while fighting to stop the villainous Soran (Malcom McDowell).

A sacrificial death to prevent a terrorist from wiping out an entire planetary system sounds like a fitting end for Kirk on paper, but as the saying goes, it's all about the execution.

Kirk dies during the final battle when the bridge he's climbing up collapses, causing him to fall and be fatally crushed by it. Even with Shatner's memorable, ambiguous final utterance of "Oh my...," it was such an unceremonious, anti-climactic end to a legendary character.

It's all the more startling when you appreciate that this was actually a reshoot, as test audiences balked at Kirk's original death, where Soran simply shot him in the back.

Pull just about any Trek fan off the street and they could come up with a more fitting end for Kirk in a matter of minutes. Low-effort isn't even the word here...

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Dark Phoenix
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.