10 Huge Movie Moments That Didn't Matter At All

8. Everything Involving Duke Of Weselton - Frozen (2013)

Bond Skyfall

As everyone who’s seen Disney’s monster hit about the power of sisterly love knows, Frozen’s big Disney villain is Prince Hans of the Summer Isles, a massive a-hole who betrays Disney Princess Anna despite swearing his undying love to her by way of a godd*mn Disney duet. The man has no soul and no, no one is over it.

Yet Hans is only unmasked in the final act: the first act sets up an entirely different villain. You’d be forgiven for having completely forgotten about him, because the film does - but the scheming Duke of Weselton introduces himself by literally speaking aloud his plan to exploit the newly opened kingdom of Arendelle and strip his neighbouring trading partner of all of its resources.

The stage is then set for the machiavellian Duke to take advantage of Queen Elsa’s inexperience to... dance like a chicken with the face of a monkey.

Wait, that’s not right. Okay, he doesn’t do anything menacing at the coronation, but when both Queen Elsa and Princess Anna vanish from the castle, surely that leaves the unguarded Duke to take advantage of the… no, no, he doesn’t do anything then either.

In point of fact, aside from shouting a little bit, and all those awesome moves at Elsa’s coronation ball, the Duke of Weselton does precisely nothing throughout the entire movie. Despite this, he is escorted from the kingdom at the end in disgrace, because in the last five minutes Frozen remembers that he’s one of the bad guys.


Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.