10 Huge Star Wars Moments That Happened In The Background

2. Admiral Ackbar’s Death - Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi

Rogue One A Star Wars Story Black-Saber

When The Force Awakens hit cinemas like a freight train in December 2015, Star Wars stans were delighted to see several obscure characters from the original trilogy make their triumphant return.

One of them was everyone's favourite trap-warning Mon Calamari, Admiral Gial Ackbar.

Ackbar most famously appeared in Return of the Jedi, leading the charge against the second Death Star. In Force Awakens, he was shown to have joined General Leia's Resistance, proving once again to be a valuable asset.

And then he just died.

At the very start of the next movie, The Last Jedi, Ackbar is one of the characters killed when TIE Fighters attack Leia's cruiser. There's no fanfare, no last words, nothing. That's simply the end of the good Admiral.

Ackbar's throwaway death got a lot of people very upset. Many took to the web to say how unfair it was that such a great character got killed in such a disrespectful way, even if his total screen time was only around three-and-a-half minutes.

Should Ackbar's death have been given more time? Who's to say, but his legacy will never die thanks to three little words.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.