10 Huge WTF Movie Post-Credits Moments

These post-credits scenes were all mind-blowing, but not all in a good way.

The King's Man Hitler
20th Century Studios

There was a time, more than a few years ago, when you could go to the cinema and not have to worry about whether you were going to miss one last scene if you left before the credits were through. Once those names started rolling, generally that was that.

Though there were of course exceptions, a post-credit scene was rare, whereas now it feels as though the absence of one is strange. Samuel L. Jackson's appearance as Nick Fury in 2008's Iron Man kickstarted a trend that hasn't shown any signs of slowing, and it now seems as though almost every film will feature a post-credit scene of some sort.

Some of these are for world-building purposes, hyping up a sequel or a shared universe, while others are for purely one last laugh, or even just for the sake of it. Within the sea of scenes that come after the movie has finished, there are those that truly leave an audience scratching their collective heads. 

Whether because they have absolutely nothing to do with the two hours that preceded them, they made little to no sense either within the context of the story or even out of it, or if there is someone who turns up that just couldn't have been any less expected, a sincere WTF was more appropriate for these post-credits scenes than a laugh or a jolt of adrenaline...

10. Game Over - Crank

The King's Man Hitler

How better to guarantee a blood-thumping adrenaline-rushing action movie than by engineering it so that the protagonist has to be involved in dangerous, high risk and exciting situations or he will die? That's exactly what Crank did in 2006, and it worked to strong effect.

As part of an assassination attempt, Jason Statham's Chev Chelios was injected with a drug that essentially slowed his heart rate down. With no known antidote, the only way to keep himself alive was to ensure that his adrenaline levels never dropped. Think of it as like Speed, but with a man's heart instead of a big bus driven by Sandra Bullock.

The final scene of the movie saw Chev fall from a helicopter to what would have been the death of anybody else. However, just before the screen cut to black, he blinked. He was still alive, and you'd have been forgiven for thinking any post-credit scene may have revolved around his survival.

Instead, the stinger featured an 8-bit version of the protagonist, something that had absolutely no relevance to the rest of the film, shooting people in the head until his heart stopped and literally exploded. The big 'Game Over' that appeared seemed to suggest that he had died, but the sequel, Crank: High Voltage, confirmed three years later that his heart was replaced shortly after surviving the fall. So, what the hell did this scene mean?

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.