10 Hugely Successful Movies That Amazingly Never Got Sequels

2. Inception

InceptionBox Office: $832,584,416 As much a fan of Christopher Nolan as I am, I had doubts that his existential action film Inception would do much business at the box office, but the phrase "from the director of The Dark Knight" obviously has a lot of sway with audiences, and so the film went on to gross an obscene amount of money, as was a refreshing result for anyone who believes in original, thought-provoking cinema these days. Though Inception was a self-contained narrative that didn't really invite the idea of a sequel, the concept of entering someone's dreams is certainly rich, fertile ground on which to tell other stories. Tom Hardy has noted that the majority of the cast are signed for sequels should it ever happen, and director Nolan has said, "It€™s not something I want to say no to, but it€™s not something I€™ve given a lot of thought about." Reports suggest that Nolan is more interested in seeing the movie become a video game, which I have to agree sounds like a far more tantalising and ambitious project.

Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.