10 Hugely Talented Actors That Should Be Bigger Stars

1. Ben Foster

Lone Survivor Ben Foster Still only 33, Ben Foster is without a doubt one of the most consistently excellent young actors working today. Effortlessly bouncing around from genre to genre, Foster is almost guaranteed to deliver the best performance in the movie despite rarely taking the lead role. The versatility displayed across his career is nothing short of astounding. There have been small parts in blockbuster superhero movies (The Punisher, X-Men: The Last Stand), scene-stealing performances in genre pictures (Hostage, 30 Days of Night, 3:10 to Yuma, Contraband), memorable turns in ensemble pieces (Alpha Dog, Kill Your Darlings, Lone Survivor) and bravura supporting roles in critically-acclaimed dramas (The Messenger, Rampart, Ain't Them Bodies Saints). Although he has tended to stay away from big-budget fare in recent years, Foster has also taken a main role in Duncan Jones' hugely-anticipated Warcraft. For an actor so versatile and committed to his craft, it comes as no surprise he names Gary Oldman and Philip Seymour Hoffman as his two main inspirations. Equally adept at playing a soft-spoken everyman or a crazed, manic sociopath the chameleonic Foster is guaranteed to disappear entirely into his character. One of the more underrated actors working today, he will no doubt enjoy a long and successful career if he keeps up this stunning track record.

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