10 Iconic Actors Who Almost Played Batman Villians

1. Robin Williams As The Joker - Batman 1989

Clint Eastwood Two Face

Robin Williams was an actor practically tailor-made for the Joker, and it’s a crying shame he never got a chance to play him. In fact, Warner Bros. used his desire to play the role as leverage in their negotiations with Jack Nicholson, who was reluctant to sign on for the Tim Burton film.

Williams really wanted the part, so when Nicholson was playing hard to get they actually gave the part to Robin. They wanted to make Nicholson rethink his position, and even if he still said no they’d at least have Robin Williams to front the movie. In the end, Jack changed his mind and Robin was cast aside. He was said to be furious about being used – rightfully so – and turned down Warner Bros. movies for years afterwards.

The studio approached him about playing The Riddler in Batman Forever years later, but once Tim Burton walked he wisely followed suit.

Can you think of any other legendary actors who were nearly cast as Batman villains? Do you think they could have done a better job? Share your thoughts below.


Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.