10 Iconic Comic Book Storylines That Are Currently Impossible

9. One More Day (Marvel)

Spider-Man: One More Day was a 2007 arc in which, following the shooting of his Aunt May Parker, Spider-Man sought out help to save her life. He then encounters a woman who turns out to be the demon Mephisto in disguise. Mephisto says he can save Spider-Man's Aunt May in exchange for his marriage to Mary Jane Watson - if Aunt May is healed from her wounds, Spider-Man's relationship with Mary Jane would never have happened. After taking some time to think about it, the couple decide to go through with it on the basis that Spider-Man's identity becomes a secret again. Sure enough, Aunt May lived, nobody knew who Spider-Man really was and Mary Jane Watson and Spider-Man never became a couple. This arc could never happen in the current Amazing Spider-Man franchise as the supernatural concept of demons and reality altering magic just wouldn't work in what is a very science-based franchise. Simple as that.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.