10 Iconic Comic Book Storylines That Are Currently Impossible

8. Crisis On Infinite Earths (DC)

Crisis on Infinite Earths was a 1985 storyline that was one of the biggest events in DC history. It erased the DC Multiverse, rebooted many DC characters' origins and decreased the power levels of most of them (Superman, for example, dropped down the power scale massively after this arc). It also marked the end of the Silver and Bronze Ages of comic books. The story introduced readers to two near-omnipotent beings of opposing alignment - the good Monitor and the evil Anti-Monitor -who had been created as a result of the same experiment that created the Multiverse in the first place. The Monitor had been showing up in various DC comic book series for two years preceding the publication of the series and, at first, he appeared to be a new supervillain. However, as the Crisis event unfolded, he was revealed to be working on a desperate plan to save the entire Multiverse from destruction at the hands of the Anti-Monitor. It would be impossible to adapt in to a movie at the moment, as the concept of the DC Multiverse hasn't even been mentioned in the DC Cinematic Universe - and there simply aren't enough characters with origins and power levels to alter. As a result, the impact of what was a huge event in the comics would essentially be non-existent in a universe that is barely under way.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.