10 Iconic Film Performances With Hardly Any Screen Time

7. Alec Baldwin €“ Glengarry Glen Ross

Alec Baldwin€™s career to date may be series of ups and downs, from his brilliant turn as NCB executive Jack Donaghy in 30 Rock to that embarrassingly bad adaptation of Dr Seuss€™ The Cat in the Hat, but when he€™s given a decent role the man really does shine and nowhere is that more clear than his brief but impactful cameo in Glengarry Glen Ross. As real estate shark Blake, Baldwin blazes onto the screen delivering a blistering, profanity ridden motivational speech that in spite of its short length is regularly hailed as one of his finest performances and though the film was box office flop, it was regarded highly by critics. Plus, we have the scene to thank for one of the most quotable retorts to the question €˜what€™s your name€™ ever: €˜F*ck you! That€™s my name!€™

Helen Jones hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.