10 Iconic Film Performances With Hardly Any Screen Time

6. Michael Keaton €“ Beetlejuice

He might be the titular character but Michael Keaton€™s screen time in Tim Burton€™s comedy horror Beetlejuice only adds up to a meagre 17 minutes, though in that short time manages to put in a hilarious and electric performance as the vulgar, manic €˜bio-exorcist€™ made all the more impressive by the fact he apparently ad-libbed many of his lines. In fact, test audiences are said to have liked his ghoulish role so much that the Beetlejuice was given a much less grim ending than originally planned. Keaton himself has stated that it€™s one of the only roles he€™d consider revisiting and, as luck would have it, it seems like it might actually happen. In late 2014, Burton confirmed that Beetlejuice€™s long-anticipated sequel was €˜closer than ever€™ and with Winona Ryder already confirmed to reprise her role as Lydia Deetz it looks like we could be seeing Keaton back on our screens as Beetlejuice sooner rather than later.

Helen Jones hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.