10 Iconic Horror Actors In Real Life

8. Count Orlok In Nosferatu - Max Schreck

Mama Javier Botet
Prana Film

One of the lasting images of the horror genre was born when German character actor Max Schreck put in some fake fangs and started waving his fingers around menacingly in the 1920s, with Nosferatu offering one of the most influential vampire movies to hit screens. Sorry Twilight.

Surprisingly enough though, considering just how terrifying the supernatural Count Orlok is in the movie, Schrek himself is quite the handsome young fellow out of make up, but dons a completely different personality as soon as the white face paint is cracked out.

His mesmerising performance as the creepiest vampire on screen has been lovingly parodied on plenty of occasions, with a whole film dedicated to Schreck's interpretive style in Shadow of the Vampire - which posits the actor as an actual, real vampire instead. Considering how well he took to his monstrous form, it's not that far fetched a theory...

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