10 Iconic Movie Costumes Actors Hated Wearing
9. Ralph Fiennes - Lord Voldemort

Though Voldemort is the main antagonist in the Harry Potter books and movies, Ralph Fiennes, the actor who is most associated with the villain, didn't make his debut until the fourth film in the series The Goblet of Fire.
Due to this Fiennes was only required to done the full Voldemort look between 60 and 70 times, with the final two films requiring him to don the Voldemort mask the majority of the times.
To Transform Fiennes into "he who must not be named," the make-up team used eyebrow blockers, temporary vein tattoos, dark eye make up, alongside fake teeth, nails, and occasionally hands. The most drastic part of the transformation, the character's serpent-like nose, was actually achieved via digital editing.
However, what we could see on screen did not clue viewers in to the part of the costume that caused Fiennes the most discomfort. In 2011, Fiennes revealed how troubles with his robe led to his costume becoming an irritant:
"It was too long and sometimes I would trip over it [...] Underneath I would start wearing tights and the gusset kept dropping down between my thighs and this made it very difficult to walk with any kind of dignity [...] So eventually I said to my dresser, 'You're going to have to cut these tights and I'm going to have garters at the top."