10 Iconic Scenes That Completely Overshadow Their Movies

8. Inglourious Basterds - Got Milk?

inglourious-basterds-734844lThe Scene: A long time ago in Nazi Occupied France Christoph Waltz's 'Jew Hunter' is, you guessed it, hunting Jews and this brings him to a milk farm, where he proceeds to talk casually, subtly interrogate and eventually talk into giving up the Jewish family hiding under the floorboards. Why It Overshadows The Movie: At its most basic form, Inglourious Basterds is little more than a series of cool scenes tied together by a semi-interesting revenge story that ends with the murdering of Hitler. This is probably the coolest and most effective, it introduces Christoph Waltz's malevolently brilliant character (this is before we learned that this is all Christoph Waltz can actually do) and is probably one of the few times Tarantino's indulgently long scripting pays off for the better by allowing the tension to tick along at an engrossing pace. The rest of the movie never matches this, because all of the scenes are just tense conversations ticking up tension and it gets a little tiresome after the intro. Samuel L Jackson's voice over feels stupid and out of place whilst the films marketing campaign comes clean as a lie as action is teased but never delivered on.

One time I met John Stamos on a plane - and he told me I was pretty.