10 Iconic Scenes That Completely Overshadow Their Movies

6. The Phantom Menace €“ Pod Racing

star-wars-episode-I-phantom-menace-pod-racingThe Scene: Using a home built racer to compete for the parts needed to escort Queen Amidala away from Tattooine and ensure his freedom (that he doesn€™t know about) Anakin Skywalker guides his pod at breakneck speeds across the sandy landscape whilst avoiding explosions, sand people and a majestically large rival pod. Why It Overshadows The Movie: Well it would have been rude to just say €˜disappointment€™ overshadowed this entry into the Star Wars franchise and despite an overwhelming desire to want to murder Jar Jar Binks the Pod Racing scene was the most memorable aspect of a movie that delivered very little in terms of old school Star Wars excitement. This was the only scene that gave us that fresh, new thing which the original trilogy gave us in abundance and was an exhilarating take on a race in sci-fi, furthermore Jar Jar is barely in this scene, which helps make it much better than the rest of the movie. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_krCKECpzrU

One time I met John Stamos on a plane - and he told me I was pretty.