10 Iconic Star Wars Things That Only Came After A New Hope

1. "No, I Am Your Father"

Star Wars Yoda

We all know Vader cuts off Luke's hand and the Skywalker saber falls down to who knows where. He then tells Luke "I am your father", and that they should rule the Galaxy and father and son. Cue 1980's cinema audiences going mental!

During filming this moment was kept so secret that only a very select few people knew. The people in the know were obviously George Lucas, director Irvin Kershner, Mark Hamill and James Earl Jones, who of course read the line. But even Darth Vader actor David Prowse did not know this moment was coming. During shooting, the man behind the mask actually tells Luke that Obi-Wan killed his father. Of course this is before the boom of internet spoilers, so this moment stayed a well kept secret.

This moment is the franchise's most important, even if the majority of people think the quote is "Luke, I am your father"...

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