10 Idiotic Decisions Made By Characters In Man of Steel

2. Superman Fights Zod In Metropolis

Metropolis In creating a sequence of fight scenes lasting for almost the entire final act of the film, you can see what the filmmakers were trying to do. Man of Steel€™s predecessor €“ Superman Returns €“ was a well-reviewed movie, but it was coldly received by audiences due to its lack of fight scenes. Naturally, the perfect response to such criticism is to give the audience exactly what they want, a demand which would have only increased after the New York-trashing exploits of The Avengers. So when Superman and Zod decide to go hell for leather on each other, we€™re all undoubtedly thrilled. Yet watch the scenery throughout this titanic bout. They knock down skyscrapers like badly stacked books, create huge explosions and even bring down a bloody satellite. Awesome, you might think. But think about this logically. If buildings are coming down, everything€™s exploding and hellfire is raining down from the sky in such a cramped space as Metropolis, surely people are going to perish. In fact, I€™m sure there are countless victims below the rubble of Superman€™s super-tussle. The sad thing is that it would be so easy to take the fight somewhere else €“ two-thirds of Earth is made up of water without a person around for miles, so why not battle there and save the collateral damage? It€™s not as if they couldn€™t do it €“ just half a minute ago Superman was in the Indian Ocean, and he still made it to Metropolis to save the day. The funny thing is that Superman kills Zod to stop him barbecuing a helpless family, leading to scenes of emotional torment and manly, emotional screaming. Frankly, I don€™t know why he€™s so upset €“ he€™s already killed thousands wrecking the city, so what€™s a few more bodies among the foundations?

Durham University graduate and qualified sports journalist. Very good at sitting down and watching things. Can multi-task this with playing computer games. Football Manager addict who has taken Shrewsbury Town to the summit of the Premier League. You can follow me at @Ed_OwenUK, if you like ramblings about Newcastle United and A Place in the Sun. If you don't, I don't know what I can do for you.