10 Idiotic Decisions Made By Characters In Man of Steel

1. Superman Utterly Dooms His Species

Ashamed Superman If there€™s one thing everyone knows about Superman, it€™s that he€™s utterly benevolent. Really, just a nice chap all round, not prone to rash decisions and always willing to work for the greater good. And so it proves throughout Man of Steel €“ told by his father that he can act as the bridge between Krypton and Earth, he dutifully takes on his role as Krypton€™s proto-Messiah. However, come the climax of the film, the Man of Tomorrow has a sudden change of heart. With Zod just about to shoot down the plane carrying Superman€™s escape pod and the only means of stopping the destruction of Metropolis, Superman reappears after his brief sojourn on the other side of the plant, ploughing into the ship. Now, Zod is in no mood to fight Superman, as he€™s busy trying to keep the craft which contains Krypton€™s entire future €“ that is, their baby-growing facilities €“ in the air. So he resorts to pleading with the hero €“ who makes it clear he€™s going to blow up the craft with his laser-vision €“ that if he goes ahead with what he€™s planning, he dooms any chance of a future Kryton. Superman€™s response? It goes something like this €“ €œKrypton had its chance!€ (Blows up everything) I understand that Superman€™s probably angry with Zod for coming within a whisker of blowing up Lois Lane. I€™d be pretty peeved too. But to respond by committing genocide is a little extreme, especially when you€™ve lectured Zod on the ills of these actions beforehand. Seems odd, is all I€™m saying. It's not as if all Kryptonians would end up like Zod. Jor-El and Lara both came from these baby factories, and they seemed like good people. If he€™d have just calmed down and chosen to knock Zod out in the chair instead, he€™d have saved the day and his race. As it turned out, he committed one of the gravest sins possible. Not so super any more, is he? Agree or disagree? Feel free to comment!

Durham University graduate and qualified sports journalist. Very good at sitting down and watching things. Can multi-task this with playing computer games. Football Manager addict who has taken Shrewsbury Town to the summit of the Premier League. You can follow me at @Ed_OwenUK, if you like ramblings about Newcastle United and A Place in the Sun. If you don't, I don't know what I can do for you.