5. Superman Endangers The People Of Smallville
Our starter course before we get to the big Metropolis showdown is the brawl in Smallville, when Clark takes exception with Zod torturing his adorable mother. His resulting super-spear which appears to take them through some scenic countryside, a cornfield and a few surrounding hamlets eventually comes to a halt in the centre of Smallville. At this point as sensory-overload-afflicted Zod is bundled back into his ship and Superman is left to square off against Faora and a freakishly tall bloke. Its a cool scene, with both of them at either end of the street evoking something similar to a Mexican standoff. Then Superman orders the towns residents to shelter in their homes in anticipation of the upcoming super-brawl and army excursions. For a second, lets analyse what The Man of Tomorrow sees as shelter houses made of bricks and mortar. What sort of protection is that going to offer against the upcoming army bombs, never mind whatever Kryptonians get up to when they brawl? I understand the houses were the only shelter available at the time, but he might as well have told them to hide in a tent for all the good it would do. Surely, fighting in those cornfields you just passed through with Zod is a much better idea, with much less risk of innocents getting caught in the crossfire/thrown trains. Yes, it wouldve looked far less cool, but it certainly would have looked a damn sight cooler than Superman explaining away potential manslaughter charges when he drop-kicks Faora through a building.