10 Idiotic Decisions Made By Characters In Man of Steel

6. Faora Doesn't Stab Superman

Faora On the subject of Faora, she€™s not above idiocy herself. Don€™t get me wrong, I think she€™s an awesome character and actress Antje Traue kills in the part, really making an impression despite having comparatively less to work with. But she could€™ve ended this film before the final act if she€™d have thought about what she was doing. We€™re in Smallville and we€™re about to see Superman fight for the first time. Crucially, this is Superman€™s first fight against otherworldly opposition. Compared to the Kryptonian soldiers €“ who have been bred for this exact purpose €“ he€™s a complete novice, and when he first attempts to take it to Faora, it shows. Sure, he lands a couple of blows, but Zod€™s second-in-command is largely untroubled by his efforts to the point where she starts up a textbook evil villain monologue about how weak Superman is. Make no mistake, she beats the absolute snot out of Superman for a good couple of minutes, kicking him from pillar to post before bringing the pain inside an IHOP. She€™s finding it all sorts of easy, yet not for a moment does she consider attacking Superman fatally. Oh sure, she punches him a lot, but this doesn€™t really affect a Kryptonian. You know what does affect a Kryptonian? Knives. We€™ve already seen that a Kryptonian can€™t shake off a knife-wound when Zod downs Jor-El in the prologue. Despite the fact that Jor-El appears to be an excellent fighter, he can't help but die when Zod impales him. So why won€™t Faora do the same thing with Superman? It€™s not as if she€™s not carrying one €“ she takes it out when she finds Hardy. If she had, the Man of Steel franchise would certainly have been a lot shorter than we hoped.

Durham University graduate and qualified sports journalist. Very good at sitting down and watching things. Can multi-task this with playing computer games. Football Manager addict who has taken Shrewsbury Town to the summit of the Premier League. You can follow me at @Ed_OwenUK, if you like ramblings about Newcastle United and A Place in the Sun. If you don't, I don't know what I can do for you.