10 Image Comics That Would Make Great Movies (And How To Make Them)

8. Revival

Fatale Comic
Image Comics

Revival is a zombie story with a twist. Rather than transforming into bloodthirsty, brain-munching zombies, the deceased characters in Revival return to life exactly as they were before, prompting their still-living friends and relatives to treat them with fear and distrust, rather than outright head-popping violence. If this sounds at all familiar, that's because it shares its premise with Les Revenants, a fantastic French drama series that was remade into a fairly sub-par English language version.

While a Revival TV series would saturate the 'people coming back to life' market on the small screen, there are enough differences between Les Revenants and Revival that a film adaptation could be on the cards. It's a violent, brooding, Fargo-esque thriller set in rural Wisconsin, so why not recruit Fargo show-runner Noah Hawley to adapt it?

The Coen Brothers' recent output indicates that they're trying to distance themselves from this kind of filmmaking, and while Hawley's experience with film is minimal, he is currently slated to direct two sci-fi movies, Man Alive and Pale Blue Dot, in the coming years.

Given that FX's Fargo was one of the most captivating and cinematic TV shows to come out of this decade, and that Hawley has also had experience in adapting comic books (his X-Men series Legion is one of this year's hottest TV prospects), he'd make for the perfect Revival helmsman.


Liam is a writer and cranberry juice drinker from Lincolnshire. When he's not wearing his eyes away in front of a computer, he plays the melodica for a semi wrestling-themed folk-punk band called School Trips.