10 Image Comics That Would Make Great Movies (And How To Make Them)

7. Monstress

Fatale Comic

Monstress is one of the most gorgeous books being produced right now - Sana Takeda's artwork blends traditional Chinese art, manga, steampunk and art deco with modern comic book techniques, creating a rich and fully realised world.

Set in an alternate Asia, Monstress follows a young woman called Maika, an Arcanic (a magical semi-human creature with animalistic powers) as she seeks to trace her lineage. On the way, she is embroiled in a conflict with the Cumea, a domineering group of sorceresses hell bent on harnessing Arcanic power.

The book is a little impenetrable at first - it's filled to the brim with complex world-building, warring factions, deeply entrenched rivalries and species-specific quirks, and it staunchly refuses to hold the reader's hand at any point. As such, a filmmaker with a tendency to show, rather than tell, would be an ideal candidate to adapt Monstress for the big screen.

I'd nominate the Wachowskis for the job. Although their own sci-fi fantasy epic Jupiter Ascending was an utter mess, the Wachowskis are used to telling stories with a wide scope, and definitely know how to shoot some visual arresting scenes.

If Jupiter Ascending taught us (and them) anything, it's that concepts and visuals will only get you so far - with Monstress's characters arriving as well-rounded well-written characters at the outset, the Wachowskis could easily apply their directorial flair to a story that is worth telling.


Liam is a writer and cranberry juice drinker from Lincolnshire. When he's not wearing his eyes away in front of a computer, he plays the melodica for a semi wrestling-themed folk-punk band called School Trips.