10 Important Life Lessons Learned From Every Movie Ever

9. Every Town Has A Crazy Ralph

Chainsaw REC 3

Played by Walt Gorney in the first two Friday The 13th films, Crazy Ralph is small town America’s prophet of doom, and if you see him, you should leave immediately because his appearance foreshadows terrible events.

You see, Ralph is all that stands between our teenaged heroes and the masked psychopaths that lurk in every town. The kids just want to go to Camp Blood to drink beer, get stoned, and poke the possum, and Ralph’s the only person telling them it might not be such a hot idea.

His wardrobe and diction need serious attention, he probably frightens off more people than he convinces and the kids always end up being brutally slaughtered, but it’s the thought that counts. Somehow, despite being the last person to talk to most of these people, he's never been investigated by the police.

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Ian Watson is the author of 'Midnight Movie Madness', a 600+ page guide to "bad" movies from 'Reefer Madness' to 'Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead.'