10 Improvised Movie Moments That Made The Film Much Better

7. Indiana Jones Is Too Ill To Fight

It's not just those gritty method actors who have the gall to change lines and make stuff up on the fly, however. It can happen just as much in your blockbuster genre fare, with famous grumpus Harrison Ford being particularly adept at it. The Indiana Jones movies changed a heck of a lot before they reached the screen. Early meetings had writer George Lucas and director Stephen Spielberg considering Tom Selleck for the lead role in Raiders Of The Lost Ark, with Indiana's old romance with Marion Ravenwood being 1000% more creepy with the suggestion that she was, like, 13 when they previously hooked up. The biggest change in the leap from script to screen, though, was the big action sequence that got cut in favour of Ford's Indiana Jones simply shooting that guy swinging his sword around or fancy. It wasn't even an artistic choice, either: Ford had food poisoning and didn't feel up to all the stunts. And with that, Indiana Jones was perfected, and an iconic scene was born.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/