10 Improvised Movie Moments That Made The Film Much Better

4. Tommy Lee Jones Is Not Sympathetic To The Fugitive

Without its cast, the big-screen remake of the classic TV series The Fugitive would've been a fairly standard action thriller. With Harrison Ford in the part as framed Dr Richard Kimble, on the run for his life whilst trying to clear his name for his wife's murder, and Tommy Lee Jones as the Federal Marshal pursuing him, it's a classic. It's yet another Hollywood blockbuster that's not particularly imaginative, but is all the better for a bunch of brilliant actors breathing some much needed life and personality into the script. And you can thank Tommy Lee Jones for much of that, and for one break-out scene. Ford's Kimble is almost caught, in a tunnel on the edge of a dam. Jones's Deputy Gerard has him cornered. Kimble says he didn't kill his wife; Gerard was supposed to say... nothing. Instead, Tommy Lee Jones came up with the unscripted line €œI don't care!€, a famous moment and providing an extra dimension to his character.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/