10 Most Incompetent Movie Villains

8. Jasper And Horace Badun (101 Dalmatians)

DisneyDisneyThe majority of all Disney villains ultimately end up with scuppered plans so it would be fair to say that they are mostly incompetent as they never can quite commit their bad deeds and nefarious acts. However, none are more inept than bumbling brothers Jasper and Horace Badun. Hired by Cruella De Vil to steal Pongo and Perdita€™s 15 Dalmatian puppies, the two idiots are incapable of doing anything right. They aren€™t outfoxed by worthy adversaries but rather by puppy dogs... Now in our experience with dogs, while they can be a little sneaky when food is involved, they don€™t really pose much of an intellectual threat to us and it€™s unlikely that 101 of them could be stealthy enough to sneak their way past not one but two adult humans. While letting 101 dogs escape is bad enough, they also became the ultimate downfall of Cruella herself. When the snow fell and the soot was washed away from the Dalmatians in disguise, Cruella set off in hot pursuit of the pups only to be railroaded off track by Jasper and Horace in their claptrap car €“ a perfect reflection of the tired, haggard old criminals themselves. De Vil must surely rue the day she contacted this bumbling pair of hired muscle.

Hailing from South East London, Sam Heard is an aspiring writer and recent graduate from the University of Warwick. Sam's favourite things include energy drinks, late nights spent watching the UFC with his girlfriend and annihilating his friends at FIFA.