10 Incredible Castings For Upcoming Movies

6. Samara Weaving - Thea Preston (Bill & Ted Face The Music)

Bill and Ted Face the Music Samara Weaving
United Artists Releasing

After almost 30 years of waiting, the third Bill and Ted movie is literally months away from hitting screens, and fans are understandably nervous.

But from the images we've seen so far, both Keanu Reeves and Alex Winter seem to have effortlessly slunk back into their iconic roles, even if the most inspired casting choice lies elsewhere.

Given that Bill and Ted Face the Music obviously takes place three decades after Bogus Journey, it's not terribly surprising that the duo now have children, and in an inspired move, Samara Weaving has been cast to play Bill's (Winter) daughter Thea.

Beyond the fact that Weaving gave a crazy-cute performance in last year's horror-comedy Ready or Not, she's completely believable as the daughter of Alex Winter and Jayma Mays, who is playing a recast version of Bill's wife, Princess Joanna.

One also suspects she was deliberately cast to resemble Bill's stepmother Missy (Amy Stoch, who will also appear in the film), though that's a whole other ball of Freudian wax.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.