10 Incredible Endings To Otherwise Terrible Horror Movies
9. The Village
Let's face it. Whether it's the ingenious ending of 1999's The Sixth Sense, the clever mid-film reveal nestled in 2000's dark drama Unbreakable, or the demented twist in 2008's eco-horror/ unintentional comedy The Happening, The Village helmer M Night Shyamalan is no stranger to the venerable institution of the twist ending.
Sure, some of his reveals are corny and regrettable, but the last second twist in 2004's otherwise forgettable chiller The Village elevates the shoddy horror into so-bad-it’s-great-territory.
Seemingly a period piece wherein a small 1800's American town is encircled by clawed monsters which keep the locals inside its limits, the twist reveals when our heroine escapes that (surprise!) it's actually set in contemporary America and the clawed monsters are just monster-suited local elders discouraging the youths from entering the big bad world of motorcars and Coca Cola.
Never change, M Night.