10 Incredible Endings To Otherwise Terrible Horror Movies

8. Orphan

Reeker 2005
Warner Bros.

Another case of a horror which dove headfirst into hyper-campy, over-the-top territory to its benefit, Orphan is a rare "evil child" flick which manages to make the already slightly silly premise of a killer kid into something even sillier and thus more fun.

For its first hour or so, this hokey 2009 horror is a slow burn mystery wherein a recently adopted kid exhibits all sorts of unsettling behaviours. The possible horror movie causes (possession? Demonic parentage?) seem too silly for such a self-serious film, leaving viewers uncertain and unsettled by this potentially exploitative and tasteless story.

Which is why the film is really only remembered for its twist—but what a twist it is, as the audience learns the reason this child acts so far beyond her years is because she's secretly a thirty-something serial killer posing as a kid.

Yes, really.

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