10 Incredible Movie Performances That Have Flown Under The Radar In 2019

8. Mackenzie Davis In Terminator: Dark Fate

James McAvoy Glass
Paramount Pictures

So, Terminator: Dark Fate wasn't exactly as incredible as many fans wanted it to be. It was better than the last three outings, but was that really saying much?

Between the sometimes iffy CGI and routinely cringey dialogue, it left fans questioning whether it was even possible for the franchise to ever return to form. Yet, one saving grace (no pun intended) was thankfully brought to light amidst the machine-littered chaos and her name was Mackenzie Davis.

Her performance as the half human-half robot, Grace, anchored the movie and within this star-making turn Davis conveyed everything from blistering fury to gut-wrenching desperation - knocking every note in-between out of the park for good measure, too.

It would have been easy to depend on the old faithfuls, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Linda Hamilton, to do most of the heavy lifting in the timeline altering feature, yet Tim Miller opted to give Davis the soul of the story and this only served to obliterate fans' hearts when she eventually sacrificed herself to save fellow newcomer Dani (Natalia Reyes) in order to save the world.

Classic Terminator film this is not, but classic Terminator performance this is.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...