10 Incredible Movies With ONE Unnecessary Scene

9. Bonking In The Owl Ship - Watchmen

Crazy Stupid Love
Warner Bros

The 2009 adaptation of Alan Moore's graphic novel, Watchmen, received a divisive reception upon its release. But over the years, Zack Snyder's film is looked upon more positively.

Even if you're not a fan, it's still a miracle Snyder got this movie made. Considering this adaptation lay in develop hell for nearly two decades and big-time directors like Paul Greengrass, Terry Gilliam, and Darren Aronofsky abandoned the project, you have to commend Snyder for sticking with it.

But that is not to suggest Watchmen is perfect. No matter how much of a Snyderfan you are, there's one scene nobody defends. While Nite Owl and Silk Spectre ride the owlship, the two vigilantes decide to have sex. As a concept, there's nothing wrong with that. After all, the pair slept together in a previous scene.

However, every element of this sequence feels wrong, from the indulgent shots to Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah playing in the background. Just when you thought it couldn't be more cringe-inducing, Silk Spectre activates the vessel's fire thruster to symbolise her orgasm, as if the director was deliberately conveying the least subtle innuendo possible.


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