10 Incredible Scenes From Mediocre Movies

2. The Opera House Assault - Tenet

Quicksilver X-Men
Warner Bros.

A controversial choice perhaps, considering that Christopher Nolan's Tenet has its many passionate defenders, but the director's exposition-heavy, aurally-challenged presentation ultimately did his undeniably fascinating premise no favours at all.

The film nevertheless kicks off in unquestionably attention-grabbing fashion, however, with by far its best scene.

Tenet begins with the Protagonist (John David Washington) taking part in a siege at an opera house in Kiev, where he attempts to seize part of a potentially world-annihilating algorithm.

We as audience members have very little context for what we're watching at the time - especially with so much of the dialogue being rendered scarcely-audible via muddy sound mixing - but it's a propulsive, thrilling set-piece all the same which perfectly sets a high-octane spy-thriller vibe.

Though the rest of the movie fails on the follow-through, on its own merits the opera house assault is another classically enticing Christopher Nolan opening - and again confirms that he just needs to make a damn Bond film already.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.