10 Incredibly Clever Moments Of MCU Movie Foreshadowing

1. Gamora Is Thanos' Favourite - Guardians Of The Galaxy

Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 2 Gamora
Marvel Studios

When Thanos met Red Skull on Vormir and the Guardian revealed to him that the Soul Stone demanded a price in exchange for someone being able to wield it, we should have known where it was headed.

Even as Gamora was scoffing at Thanos, suggesting that he was defeated because he'd never loved anything and couldn't sacrifice anything to pay the Stone's toll, the slow realisation should have dawned. Because we already knew that Thanos favoured Gamora above all else.

He had other "children" in the shape of his followers (and he certainly valued them), but in Guardians Of The Galaxy he had referred to Gamora as his "favourite daughter" to Ronan The Accuser. From that early moment on, she was doomed to be his sacrificial lamb.

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