10 Incredibly Clever Moments Of MCU Movie Foreshadowing

8. Red Skull's Ominous Prophecy - The First Avenger

Red Skull Death
Marvel Studios

When Red Skull was "killed" by the Tesseract at the end of Captain America: The First Avenger, his fate was always so vague that it felt like he was going to return at SOME point, even with Hugo Weaving expressing his desire not to play the character again. He'd been teleported somewhere, rather than disintegrated, and even without the "where" question answered, it was pretty clear that the door was still open for him to come back.

But then, surprisingly, it turned out that Red skull had actually been trapped by the Soul Stone and cursed to be its Guardian because of his relentless pursuit of the Infinity Stones (well, the Tesseract at the very least). And looking back, he should have heeded the wwarning given to him by the old tower keeper who guarded the cube in Norway.

When Red Skull took it, he warned: "You cannot control the power you hold. You will burn!"

Many took that as a hint of that happened at the end, but in reality the warning that Red Skull would be "burned" were actually warnings of what he'd suffer if he let himself be enchanted too much by the Stone's power. The Tower Keeper was warning about the curse that trapped Red Skull in a timeless loop, offering living evidence of the cost of trying to control the Stones without paying the price.

Hence, he's forced to pass on knowledge of the price "to ensure that whoever possesses it, understands its power. The stone demands a sacrifice." That is how he was burnt.

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