10 Incredibly Smug Movie References You Might Have Missed

2. Charlie's Angels - ET

Charlies Angels
Columbia Pictures

Of all the problems and missteps associated with McG's big screen take on the Charlie's Angels property, the decision to hurtle a naked Drew Barrymore down a hillside was probably one of the least complained about. And in a rather self-satisfied move, the room that Barrymore is forced to break into after her fall, with just an inflatable flower to cover her modesty, is in fact the same living room that appears in her most famous (and far less naked) early performance, in Steven Spielberg's ET.

The set is the same house used for ET, and if you look closely, the boys she interrupts when she enters have a bowl of Reeses Pieces between them on the floor, as another nod to the location and Barrymore's early career. And if that wasn't enough, there's a poster of the same film carefully placed just in view to hammer home the message.


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