10 Incredibly Weird Horror Movie Villains

3. A Snowman (Jack Frost)

Jack Frost Two years prior to the heart-warming Michael Keaton movie of the same name, this was a different kettle of fish entirely. Jack Frost, a serial killer on the way to his execution, is genetically transformed into a snowman in a car crash when the prison truck he is travelling in hits a tanker containing hazardous acidic material. Having eluded police for five years and left a trail of thirty-eight bodies across five states before finally being arrested, his apparent death in this crash would've been welcomed, but it wasn't to be. A series of Christmas-related murders start to occur, such a boy being beheaded by a sled and a girl being strung up like a Christmas tree decoration. A typically stupid explanation is given as to why Jack Frost came back to life as a snowman - the organisation whose tanker was crashed in to explain that human souls exist as a chemical and that the acid was going to be used to contain DNA in case of a nuclear holocaust. Stupid and not terrifying at all!
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.