10 Indisputable Facts That Prove Marvel Is The Biggest Brand In Movies

1. Everybody Else Is Copying Them

The Avengers
Marvel Studios

It has been proven countless times over the years in Hollywood that if something turns out to be successful for one studio, then the competition will inevitably jump on the bandwagon in the hope of replicating it. Thanks to Marvel and their unprecedented levels of success, the latest buzzword in the industry is the 'shared cinematic universe'.

Given how frequently the concept is discussed these days, it's easy to forget that Marvel's strategy of having multiple characters across different movies existing in the same continuity had never been done before on such a scale. Now, it seems that hardly a day goes by without someone in Hollywood announcing a cinematic universe of their own.

Sony's mismanagement of Spider-Man saw them scrambling to set up spin-offs of their own before leasing the character back to Marvel, while the company's perennial rivals DC announced their own set of ten interconnected movies leading right up to 2020. Outside of the comic book genre, Universal's stable of classic monsters, Robin Hood, King Arthur, Transformers and even Ghostbusters are all looking to follow the Marvel blueprint.

In less than a decade, Kevin Feige's vision for the MCU has gone from a massive gamble to an incredible achievement, and is now directly influencing the entire movie business. He should probably take that as a compliment.

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