10 Indisputable Facts That Prove Marvel Is The Biggest Brand In Movies

2. The MCU Is The Highest-Grossing Franchise In History

The Avengers
Marvel Studios

The recent release of Avengers: Age of Ultron saw Marvel Studios reach yet another box office milestone; the Marvel Cinematic Universe overtook Harry Potter to become the highest-grossing movie franchise in history. With over $7.8bn and counting, there is virtually no chance of anyone catching them at the top.

In just seven years, the Marvel Cinematic Universe has gone from a bold marketing strategy by a new and unproven studio to the most lucrative film series of all time, and with Age of Ultron having only been in release for two weeks and Ant-Man set to land in July, the MCU will have built up an almost unassailable lead by the end of the summer.

The only active franchise with even the remotest possibility of dislodging the MCU as the biggest ever is Star Wars, but with only one Star Wars movie being released annually and no less than ten Marvel Studios projects due by the summer of 2019, the chances of that happening are slim to none.

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