10 Indisputable Facts That Prove Marvel Is The Biggest Brand In Movies

7. There Hasn't Been A Single Box Office Bomb... Yet...

The Avengers
Universal Pictures

Box office bombs are part and parcel of the movie industry and a setback that every studio will inevitably suffer on occasion, but there are two notable exceptions to this rule. Only Pixar can boast a superior commercial track record than Marvel Studios, with either studio yet to experience the ignominy of a flop movie. Not yet, at least...

The closest Marvel have come to box office embarrassment so far was with The Incredible Hulk, which was only the second entry in the newly-established Marvel Cinematic Universe. The lowest theatrical earner in the MCU by over $100m, the movie nonetheless managed to turn a healthy profit for the studio after making $263.4m at the worldwide box office and $71.4m in home video sales in the United States alone.

In the years since, the Marvel brand has gone from strength to strength, with the mere presence of the studio's logo now enough to tempt audiences into theaters. Guardians of the Galaxy was long regarded as Marvel's riskiest project based largely on its relative obscurity, but turned out to be the third biggest hit of 2014.

The upcoming release of Ant-Man will provide another test for the power of the Marvel brand, as the marketing materials released so far have been decidedly less than stellar...

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