10 Indisputable Facts That Prove Marvel Is The Biggest Brand In Movies

6. The Average Gross For An MCU Movie Is Over $700m

The Avengers

While these numbers are obviously skewed by the performance of The Avengers and Iron Man 3, there is no denying that an average box office gross of $712.5m (at the time of writing) after eleven movies is nothing short of incredible, and only further emphasizes the popularity of Marvel Studios' output.

In fact, there are only a handful of franchises in history that can boast a superior per-movie average; Harry Potter ($965.4m), Pirates of the Caribbean ($932.4m), Peter Jackson's Middle-Earth ($840m), Spider-Man ($792.7m), The Hunger Games ($769.4m) and Transformers ($753.4m), all of which feature much fewer movies than the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

As mentioned previously, the only direct comparison with Marvel's commercial success that can be made is with Pixar, with the animation studio averaging a box office total of $607.9m across their 14 features. Not only do those figures further demonstrate how big Marvel Studios has become in such a short space of time, but it also worryingly reinforces Disney's increasing monopoly over the movie industry.

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