10 Indisputable Facts That Prove Marvel Is The Biggest Brand In Movies

4. Shrewd Directorial Choices

The Avengers
Marvel Studios

One of the major criticisms of Marvel Studios is their business model; the output isn't driven by the filmmakers because the release schedule, plot points and connective tissue that links the movies are decided years in advance. However, Edgar Wright aside, Kevin Feige has so far demonstrated a real knack for matching the right filmmakers with the right project, even when it initially seemed like a left-field choice.

Jon Favreau established the lighter approach that has characterized the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Kenneth Branagh's Shakespearean background made him an inspired choice to helm Thor, while old-school Joe Johnston was a solid pick for the studio's first period movie. And of course, Joss Whedon had only directed one feature (that bombed at the box office) before he both wrote and directed the biggest superhero movie of all time.

Similarly, famed screenwriter Shane Black had only directed one $15m movie before he was handed the $200m Iron Man 3, and Alan Taylor's work on Game of Thrones made him a safe pair of hands with which to explore the Nine Realms in Thor: The Dark World. 

Additionally, James Gunn went from the $2.5m jet-black comedy Super to $170m space opera Guardians of the Galaxy, and did anyone really think that the directors behind You, Me and Dupree would be capable of crafting one of the best superhero movies in recent memory?

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