10 Indisputable Facts That Prove Marvel Is The Biggest Brand In Movies

3. They Have The 3 Biggest Domestic Opening Weekends Of All Time

The Avengers

The comic book movie continues to enjoy box office domination, and it speaks volumes about the massive popularity of the genre that six of the ten biggest domestic opening weekends in history belong to superhero movies. While Spider-Man 3, The Dark Knight and The Dark Knight Rises all feature, the top three spots all belong to Marvel Studios, further reinforcing their credentials as the biggest brand in the business.

As we all know, The Avengers obliterated the opening weekend record when it hit theaters in May 2012, debuting to a jaw-dropping $207.4m. To put things into perspective, The Avengers earned more in three days than both Thor movies, Captain America: The First Avenger and The Incredible Hulk managed during their entire theatrical run in the United States!

On the back of the 'Avengers Bump' and the popularity of Robert Downey Jr's Tony Stark, a year later Iron Man 3 scored the second-highest domestic bow ever when it opened to $174.1m. And while Avengers: Age of Ultron failed to match its predecessor, the movie's massive $191.3m opening sees the top two spots occupied by Earth's Mightiest Heroes. 

Even with the ever-increasing importance of international revenue, the unprecedented success of Marvel Studios at the domestic box office demonstrates that the brand is equally as popular on home soil as it is overseas.

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