10 Infamous Movie Heroes Who Were Originally Supposed To Die

martin_riggs_2 It may come as a shock, but some of cinema's favorite heroes were not meant to live to see their respective sequels. Somewhere in the original drafts the screenwriters and novelists who created them decided that the story would be best served by seeing them die. It usually comes down to studio executives and producers to resuscitate these heroes and save them from having the curtain close on their fictional lives. Either during the production or because a first movie was already made they realized that the character is not someone the audience wants to see dead. Killing them off could have a strong adverse effect on the box office. So the script changes and they live to entertain us another day because who really wants to see their favorite heroes killed off?

10. Deputy Dewey in Scream

dewey2 If Deputy Dwight "Dewey" Riley struck you like the character Ghostface was sure to get in Scream than your instincts serve you well. In all the original drafts of Scream all the way up to the end of the production the scene where Dewey gets stabbed was meant to be his demise. He was not supposed to be in any of the sequels. However, David Arquette was not the type of Dewey Wes Craven originally had in mind. He was a bit younger and funny. During the production Craven realized that by casting Arquette the character of Dewey might have a lot more resonance with the audience than before and that killing him off might not be the best decision. He filmed an extra scene where Dewey lives just in case. When screen test audiences were upset to see him die, Craven inserted the extra scene and Dewey lived on for all the Scream sequels to get stabbed again.
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aka The Thompsonator. Action movie & shooter game fanatic. Biggest weakness? Taking things over the top... The internet is the disease. Meet the cure. Find more action on my Youtube channel: www.youtube.com/ActionRation