10 Infamous Movie Heroes Who Were Originally Supposed To Die

4. Matt Hooper in Jaws

Upon first viewing Jaws audiences were horrified by the chomping death of Quint. It seems so ironically perfect. Here is a man so scarred by what sharks did to men he knew in the past that he has dedicated his life to getting revenge on them. Big or little, dangerous or docile, Quint hates sharks and kills them any chance he gets. It makes perfect sense then that he would meet his own demise at the mouth of a great white. No matter how perfect that may be it was not Quint, but the character of Hooper who was meant to die. When Matt Hooper climbs down into the shark cage in Peter Benchley's novel the shark destroys the cage and eats him. This settled better with readers of the book than it would have with viewers of the movie. The book version of Hooper is more snobbish and has an affair with Brody's wife. Spielberg saw the meaning in Quint's death and had the roles reversed. In the movie Hooper hides in the coral and Quint experiences one of the most disturbing deaths in cinematic history.
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aka The Thompsonator. Action movie & shooter game fanatic. Biggest weakness? Taking things over the top... The internet is the disease. Meet the cure. Find more action on my Youtube channel: www.youtube.com/ActionRation